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Family Law

Our attorneys are skilled in handling the myriad of issues facing families in the U.S. today. Our clients have discovered there are major advantages in seeking counsel on these issues from a firm such as Belongia, Shapiro & Franklin, LLP. Our fees are competitive, our resources in areas such as tax, business and family law far outweigh those of smaller single-practice firms. This translates into a superior level of service and efficiency for our clients in all aspects of their individual family law and adoption matters. We provide counsel throughout Illinois, assisting clients with private adoptions, direct placement, traditional agency, divorce, paternity and custody matters.

In the sensitive area of family law, many of the services our clients require fall outside the realm of legal counsel. In these cases, we can recommend a network of highly experienced counseling agencies and professionals to provide the appropriate assistance and advice.

For more information about our Family Law Practice, please contact:
Kelly A. Saindon